Full Steam Ahead Webcast Series -- Wells2Watts

November 14 at 1pm (Pacific)

Please join us for our next Full Steam Ahead Webcast where Rob Klenner and Jason Angolano from Baker Hughes will discuss Wells2Watts, a consortium of private industry stakeholders focused on transforming abandoned wells for geothermal production.

Attendance is free but registration is required.

Register Now


An online conversation with a wide range of local experts working in or adjacent to geothermal. Hosted by Vermont Community Geothermal Alliance.


  • George Martin, LN Consulting on current geothermal projects in VT

  • Steve Smith, SAS Architects on designing with geothermal solutions

  • Dana Clawson, Sustainability Coordinator, Town of Hartford on why reusing heat matters 

  • Juliet Walsh, Office of Senator Peter Welch on her recent trip to Iceland as part of a congressional delegation traveling to learn more about geothermal

  • Plus special guests, including Brock Yordy on drilling and Bryant Jones of Geothermal Rising

We’ll find out what they’re excited about and what they think is needed to realize the potential of using the heat we already have under our feet and in our communities.  

We’ll also collect what people on the call want to know and how we can support more geothermal & thermal energy network development across our region.

Please join us on Tues, Sept 19 at noon.

More Information Here

Full Steam Ahead Webcast Series: Lauren Boyd

Don’t miss our next Full Steam Ahead Webcast Featuring Lauren Boyd from DoE's Geothermal Technologies Office

Date: August 30th at

Time: 1pm (Pacific)/ 4pm (Eastern)

Title: Investing in Opportunity: How GTO is Supporting Geothermal Everywhere


The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Geothermal Technologies Office (GTO) is working across the geothermal technology spectrum to achieve DOE’s Enhanced Geothermal Shot™ target, grow the U.S. geothermal industry, and maximize geothermal’s potential nationwide. Join GTO Acting Director Lauren Boyd to learn about GTO’s recent successes and initiatives and how they are supporting geothermal everywhere.

There is no charge to attend, but registration is required.


Register Now

Full Steam Ahead Webcast Series: Joseph Scherer

Please join us on July 19, 2023, at 9am (Pacific) for the next installment of our Full Steam Ahead Webcast Series, where GreenFire's Joseph Scherer will discuss “Expanding Geothermal Resources Through Closed Loop Technology”.

How do you expand geothermal resources and accelerate the generation of geothermal energy? Use the right technology. Learn about GreenFire Energy’s GreenLoop technology that works across the entire spectrum of geothermal resources, applies proprietary thermodynamic modeling, and enables an economic business model. Find out how to use GreenLoop in your geothermal projects.

There is no charge to participate in the webcast, but registration is required.

Register Now

Full Steam Ahead Webcast Series

June 1, 2023, at 9am (Pacific).

Tune in to learn about the perception spillover associated with hydrocarbon fracking technologies and better understand how the geothermal industry can learn from past experiences and other industries. Don't miss the next exciting entry in Geothermal Rising's Full Steam Ahead Webcast Series! Please join us on June 1st at 9:00am (Pacific) when Emily Cox and Steve Westlake will discuss their research published in Nature Energy titled “Perception spillover": impact of the fracking controversy on public perceptions of geothermal and other energy technologies. Emily and Steve will present multiple lines of evidence showing that hydrocarbon fracking negatively impacted people’s perceptions of enhanced geothermal systems and explore how this can be avoided for geothermal development.

There is no charge to participate in the webcast, but registration is required. For more information, or to sign up, please see our registration page here.

Full Steam Ahead Webcast Series: Tim Lines

Please join us on Wednesday, April 26 at 9am (Pacific) as we kick off the inaugural entry of our new Full Steam Ahead Webcast Series.

Tim Lines, of Oilfield International and Geothermal Wells Inc., will be presenting his talk "The Geothermal Business Model and the Oil & Gas Industry." One of the authors of the recent "The Future of Geothermal in Texas" report published by Project InnerSpace and the University of Texas Austin, Tim will share his insights into the role of geothermal in the transition to cleaner energy sources.
There is no charge to participate in the webcast, but registration is required. For more information, or to sign up, please see our registration page here.

How New Technologies Lead to Geothermal Energy Capture

Please join the Geothermal Rising Student Committee as they host Dr. Ghazal Izadi (Global Discipline Lead Unconventional, Reservoir Technical Services-Baker Hughes) for this free webinar on new technologies in geothermal.

Webinar will be held on Thursday, February 10, 2022 at 2pm Pacific time.


Webinar: Similarities and Differences in the Exploration, Development, and Marketing between Oil & Gas and Geothermal Industries

Join the Student Committee as they host a free webinar to discuss the Similarities and Differences in the Exploration, Development, and Marketing between Oil & Gas and Geothermal Industries with Stephen Pye, Consulting Drilling Engineer.

This hour-long webinar will give insights into different aspects of geothermal development, and the similarities and differences between the two industries. The following will be covered:
•    Geologic setting
•    Well design and well construction
•    Reservoir management and marketing
•    Opportunities for students and recent graduates in the geothermal sector

Thursday, February 25, 2021
1:00 PM PT/ 4:00 PM ET

Sign up today!

Electric Submersible Pump (ESP) Applications in Geothermal Environments

This webinar aims to offer an insight into ESP technology and its application in geothermal wells, present and future.
Virtual Event

January 28, 2021 at 7:00 am PT and 5:00 pm PT*
Presenter: Cristina Vasilache, Schlumberger

The geothermal industry uses a combination of self-flowing wells and wells that lack the permeability required for self-flow. The latter typically require a method of artificial lift in order to be produced. One of the methods used is the Electric Submersible Pump (ESP).

The ESP technology was invented more than 100 years ago and has been widely used and adapted to lift wells in the oil-and-gas industry. It offers an array of advantages such as high flowrates, deeper pump-setting depths, tolerance of well deviations, high horsepower, reduced installation time, downhole monitoring devices and reduced requirement for motor maintenance. ESP applications in geothermal wells are relatively recent, mainly due to limitations in production temperatures and long-term reliability. In recent years, ESP providers have been paying close attention to the needs of the geothermal industry, and improvements to ESPs are being implemented so that these pumps are able to operate at higher temperatures, with higher flowrates, and more reliably, while also offering a reduction in parasitic power through the use of Permanent-Magnet-Motor (PMM) technology.

Understanding the benefits of ESPs and how they are being adapted to geothermal environments is key for both ESP providers and geothermal operators. This webinar aims to offer an insight into ESP technology and its application in geothermal wells, present and future.


* To reach a global audience this webinar will occur at 7:00 am PT and 5:00 pm PT on January 28th. Please register for only the webinar you plan to attend. 

Click here to register for the 7:00 am PT webinar
Click here to register for the 5:00 pm PT webinar


Thank you to Schlumberger/GeothermEx for their support of this webinar.